
Original Contribution
Correlation of Ki-67 Proliferating Index with Histological Types and Characterization of Mucin in Colorectal Carcinoma
*Sultana S,1 Islam N,2 Kabir E3

  1. *Dr. Sahela Sultana, MBBS. MD, Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology, Ibrahim Medical College, Dhaka. sultana.sahela83@gmail.com
  2. Dr. Nasimul Islam. MBBS. M. Phil., Professor & Head, Department of Pathology, Anwar Khan Modern Medical College & Hospital
  3. Dr. Enamul Kabir. MBBS. M.Phil. MSc(Path), Professor, Department of Pathology, Popular Medical College, Dhaka

*For Correspondence
Background: Colorectal carcinoma is a major cause of cancer associated with a high rate of morbidity and mortality in the western world. One of the pathologic features considered to be important for prognosis is mucin production. Many authors confirmed that colon carcinomas with high mucin content tend to recur locally and carry a poor prognosis.
Aim: Correlation of Ki-67 proliferating index with different type of colorectal carcinoma as well as characterization of mucin.
Method: This cross sectional study was conducted at Sir Salimullah Medical College, Department of pathology   from July 2014 to June 2016. Ninety eight patients with colorectal carcinoma was enrolled in this  study  who underwent surgical resection of colon, adenocarcinomas. For histological classification  we used the WHO recommendation (2000) and to be more accurate we sub-classified mucinous adenocarcinomas by morphometrical  analysis in three categories: pure mucinous, with extracellular mucin more than 80% of the tumoral volume; mixed type, with 50–80%  extracellular mucin; and mixed type with less than 50% extracellular mucin and their  correlation with Ki-67 proliferating index . For histochemical investigation, we used stains such as: D- PAS and Alcian Blue. A technique of manual tissue array was employed to see Ki-67 expression by IHC method. Ki-67 is a proliferation associated nuclear antigen which can be recognized by MIB-1 monoclonal antibody.
Result: It was observed that Ki-67 labeling index was high in nonmucinous tumor  compared to mucinous adenocarcinoma and signet ring cell carcinoma which is  statistically significant (P<0.05). Histochemical stain of mucin where both D-PAS and Alcian Blue positive cases(mixed type)  are more than the Only D-PAS positive cases(pure type). Ki-67 proliferating index was also high in mixed type mucinous adenocarcinoma (<50%) compared to pure (>80%) and mixed type (50-80%). The result was statistically significant (p<0.05). Correlation of Ki-67 proliferating index with histologic type as well as mucin characterization and thereby provide information to clinician to better understanding  of the  treatment as well as prognosis.

[Journal of Histopathology and Cytopathology, 2024 Jul; 8 (2):100-108]
DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.69950/jhc.2024.v8.i2.5
Keywords: Colorectal carcinoma, Mucin, Immunohistochemistry, Ki-67.
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Original Contribution

Significance of Combined Immuno-histochemical Expression of P63 & CD56 in Papillary and Follicular Thyroid Carcinoma


*Majumder S,1 Khanom K,2 Ferdous JN3

  1. *Dr. Swapna Majumder, Lecturer, Department of Pathology, Rajshahi Medical College, Rajshahi, Bangladesh. dr.swapna.rmch@gmail.com
  2. Khadiza Khanom, Professor and Head, Department of Pathology, Rajshahi Medical College, Rajshahi, Bangladesh. drkhadiza68@gmail.com
  3. Jesmin Naz Ferdous, Associate Professor, Department of Pathology, Sir Salimullah Medical College, Bangladesh. limaf888@gmail.com


*For correspondence
Background: Thyroid neoplasm is the commonest endocrine neoplasm. More than 80% of thyroid malignancies are papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) followed by follicular carcinoma (FC). The diagnosis of papillary thyroid carcinoma is based on characteristic nuclear morphology of a thyroid neoplasm. In contrast, follicular variant of PTC may cause, if the nuclear features of PTC are insufficiently appreciated, severe problems in differentiating from follicular thyroid carcinoma. Several immunohistochemical (IHC) markers such as P63 and CD56 have been recommended to differentiate between this two thyroid malignancies with overlapping histomorphology.
Objectives: Our aim was to identify the possible diagnostic role of P63 and CD56 immunoexpression that distinguish PTC, including the follicular variant from follicular thyroid carcinoma.
Methods: This cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted in the Department of Pathology, Rajshahi Medical College from March 2020 to February 2022. A total of 44 cases, histologically confirmed as papillary and follicular thyroid carcinoma were included in the study. Immunohistochemistry was done for P63 and CD56 from selected paraffin blocks.
Results: Histologically, 39 cases were diagnosed as papillary thyroid carcinoma (27 were classical PTC & 12 were FVPTC) and the rest 5 were follicular thyroid carcinoma. In this study, mean age of the patients was 40.86 ± 6.57 years (SD) and male to female ratio was 1:2.4. P63 showed 74.4% positivity with papillary thyroid carcinoma. Positive immunoreactivity of P63 was highly significant in distinguishing papillary from follicular thyroid carcinoma (P=0.003). Combined P63 positive CD56 negative (P=0.048) and P63 negative CD56 negative immunoexpression (P=0.039) were statistically significant in differentiating papillary from follicular thyroid carcinoma.
Conclusion: This study suggested that the use of P63 and CD56 may be helpful in the diagnosis of papillary and follicular thyroid carcinoma along with histopathological examination and their combination may also help in this purpose.

[Journal of Histopathology and Cytopathology, 2024 Jul; 8 (2):91-99]
DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.69950/jhc.2024.v8.i2.4

Keywords: Immunohistochemistry (IHC), PTC, FVPTC, FC, P63, CD56
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Original Contribution

Histomorphological Patterns of Lesions in Lymph Node Biopsies in a Tertiary Care Hospital

*Sarkar A,1 Khanam K,2 Afrin T3

  1. *Dr. Anindita Sarkar, MD (Pathology), Assistant Professor (C.C), Department of Pathology, Rajshahi Medical College, Rajshahi, abantica.16@gmail.com.
  2. Khadiza Khanam, MD (Pathology), Professor and Head, Department of Pathology, Rajshahi Medical College, Rajshahi.
  3. Tanshina Afrin, MD (Pathology), Assistant Professor (C.C), Department of Pathology, Rajshahi Medical College, Rajshahi.

* For Correspondence

Background: Lymphadenopathy is one of the most common presentations of inflammatory and neoplastic disorders. Detailed assessment is required to reveal an underlying pathology. Clinical features along with radiology images may not be sufficient for diagnosis of lymph node enlargement. Hence, lymph node biopsy has become a mandatory tool to arrive at a definitive diagnosis.
Methods: This cross-sectional retrospective study was conducted in the Department of Pathology, Rajshahi Medical College over a period of one year from July 2022 to June 2023. A total of 130 cases of lymph node biopsies were included in this study as the study subjects purposively. Specimen of tissue was fixed with 10% formalin and stained with haematoxyline and eosin stain, followed by histopathological examination. Statistical analysis was performed using Microsoft Excel.
Result: A total of 130 lymph node biopsies were studied with ages ranging from 13 to 72 years. Most of the cases (54%) belonged to 21-40 years. Female patients were 52% and male patients were 48%. Reactive hyperplasia was the commonest lesion accounting for 37% of cases (48 cases), followed by metastatic deposits showed in 36 cases (28%).Reactive hyperplasia was common in early age group while 69% of metastatic deposits were found in age group above 40 years. Duct cell carcinoma was the commonest metastatic carcinoma (42%) in this present study.
Conclusion: To establish the causes of lymphadenopathy, lymph node biopsy plays an important role. It is less expensive than other tests when investigating the cause of enlarged lymph nodes.

[Journal of Histopathology and Cytopathology, 2024 Jul; 8 (2):84-90]
DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.69950/jhc.2024.v8.i2.3
Keywords: Lymphadenopathy, Biopsy, Histopathology, Lymph nodes.
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