JHC 2023 January v7 i1 s5

Original Contribution

Evaluation of Stromal CD10 Expression and its Correlation with other Clinicopathological Factors in Invasive Breast Carcinoma

1.*Dr. Farah Imrana, MD (Histopathology), Assistant Professor, BIHS General Hospital. 125/1Darus
Salam, Mirpur, Dhaka. farahdr02@gmail.com
2. Dr. Md. Shahriar Mamun, Assistant Professor (cc), Department of Pathology, Satkhira Medical College.
3. Dr. SM Moshadeq Hossain, Assistant Professor, Pathology, Rajshahi Medical College.
4. Dr. Alimul Hassan, Lecturer, Department of Pathology, Pabna Medical College.
*For correspondence

Background: Expression of stromal CD10 was considerably remarked with metastasis of lymph
node and higher tumor grade. CD10 is a useful independent prognostic indicator which is
necessary to include in routine histopathology report
Objective: The intent of the study was to investigate the expression of stromal CD10 in invasive
breast carcinoma.
Methods: This cross sectional study was carried out in the department of Pathology, Rajshahi
Medical College, Rajshahi, during July 2017 to December 2018, to evaluate the expression of
stromal CD10 in invasive breast carcinoma and to correlate with ER, PR status in mastectomy
specimen. A total of 50 cases of mastectomy or lumpectomy specimens will be taken that are
received in the Department. Samples were selected by the purposive sampling technique.
Result: In the present study, out of 50 cases stromal CD 10 was found to be strong positive in
13(36.1%), weak positive in 9(25%) and negative in 14(38.9%) cases. Regarding the association
between tumor grade with stromal CD10 it was observed that 9 (56.3%) out of total 16 CD 10
strong positive cases, 3 (60.0%) out of five CD10 weak positive and 26 (89.7%) out of 29 CD 10
negative were grade I tumor. Seven (43.8%) were grade II tumor in the strong positive group, 2
(40.0%) in weak positive group and none in negative group. In this series it was observed that
maximum 38 (76.0%) cases were grade II tumors followed by 09 (18.0%) cases were grade I and
03 (6.0%) cases were grade III tumor. The difference was statistically significant (p<0.05) between
tumor grade with stromal CD 10 expression.
Conclusion: This study was undertaken to detect the expression of stromal CD10 in invasive
breast carcinoma in mastectomy specimen. Tumor grade was significantly (p<0.05) associated with
stromal CD 10.

[Journal of Histopathology and Cytopathology, 2023 Jan; 7 (1):27-35]
Keywords: Stromal, CD10, Carcinoma

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