Original Contribution
Histomorphological Patterns of Lesions in Lymph Node Biopsies in a Tertiary Care Hospital
*Sarkar A,1 Khanam K,2 Afrin T3
- *Dr. Anindita Sarkar, MD (Pathology), Assistant Professor (C.C), Department of Pathology, Rajshahi Medical College, Rajshahi, abantica.16@gmail.com.
- Khadiza Khanam, MD (Pathology), Professor and Head, Department of Pathology, Rajshahi Medical College, Rajshahi.
- Tanshina Afrin, MD (Pathology), Assistant Professor (C.C), Department of Pathology, Rajshahi Medical College, Rajshahi.
* For Correspondence
Background: Lymphadenopathy is one of the most common presentations of inflammatory and neoplastic disorders. Detailed assessment is required to reveal an underlying pathology. Clinical features along with radiology images may not be sufficient for diagnosis of lymph node enlargement. Hence, lymph node biopsy has become a mandatory tool to arrive at a definitive diagnosis.
Methods: This cross-sectional retrospective study was conducted in the Department of Pathology, Rajshahi Medical College over a period of one year from July 2022 to June 2023. A total of 130 cases of lymph node biopsies were included in this study as the study subjects purposively. Specimen of tissue was fixed with 10% formalin and stained with haematoxyline and eosin stain, followed by histopathological examination. Statistical analysis was performed using Microsoft Excel.
Result: A total of 130 lymph node biopsies were studied with ages ranging from 13 to 72 years. Most of the cases (54%) belonged to 21-40 years. Female patients were 52% and male patients were 48%. Reactive hyperplasia was the commonest lesion accounting for 37% of cases (48 cases), followed by metastatic deposits showed in 36 cases (28%).Reactive hyperplasia was common in early age group while 69% of metastatic deposits were found in age group above 40 years. Duct cell carcinoma was the commonest metastatic carcinoma (42%) in this present study.
Conclusion: To establish the causes of lymphadenopathy, lymph node biopsy plays an important role. It is less expensive than other tests when investigating the cause of enlarged lymph nodes.
[Journal of Histopathology and Cytopathology, 2024 Jul; 8 (2):84-90]
DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.69950/jhc.2024.v8.i2.3
Keywords: Lymphadenopathy, Biopsy, Histopathology, Lymph nodes.
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